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Radar Cooling Application

General Air Products has built several cooling packages for radar cooling applications. The electronic systems on radars are in constant use in remote locations and are thus in need of a reliable, low maintenance cooling solution. This package in particular is an all in one radar cooling package. It consists of an air fluid cooler with a high pressure pumping package to accommodate the high pressure drops inherent in radar systems. There is also an integrated deionizing system to keep the circulating water as pure as possible to ensure the protection and proper function of the electronic running the radar system. We also included cleanable inlet filters for quick change in the field and a partial bypass loop for tight temperature control.

Cooling electronic systems in applications like radar, MRI or any other field is often specialized work. The process cooling experts at General Air Products are well versed in these applications and we are happy to work with you to find the solution the fits the needs of your application exactly.