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Case Study: Vapor Pipe Shield & Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors Solve Persistent Corrosion Issues at Trenton Recycling Center

Location: Trenton, New Jersey
Installer: Capitol Fire Protection Co., Inc.
Installation Date: August 2022
Vapor Pipe Shield Model: VPS-1000A
System Type: Dry Pipe Sprinkler System
Number of Risers: 1
System Capacity: 605 Gallons
Supervisory Air Supply: General Air Products OLR915150AC


A recycling center in Trenton, New Jersey, had been facing ongoing challenges with corrosion in its dry pipe sprinkler system, which protected a critical shed and storage area on the property. The sprinkler piping for this system is consistentluy exposed to the open elements, making the environment very harsh on the system. The corrosion was so severe that the facility was frequently replacing sections of corroded pipe, leading to significant downtime and unexpected maintenance costs. Capitol Fire Protection Co., Inc. was tasked with finding a solution that would extend the life of the sprinkler system and eliminate the need for constant repairs, and reduce the volatility of their maintenance costs.

The Challenge

The recycling center’s dry pipe sprinkler system had a total capacity of 605 gallons, with one sprinkler riser in place. Despite regular maintenance and the installation of a General Air Products OLR915150AC as the supervisory air supply, corrosion-related repairs remained the primary concern. The facility’s harsh environment, combined with the natural condensation and moisture within the dry pipe system, exacerbated the issue, leading to frequent pipe replacements.

Recycling Center Drawing

The Solution

In August 2022, Capitol Fire Protection Co., Inc. decided to beta test General Air Products’ (then) new Vapor Pipe Shield system. The VPS-1000A that was sized for them has the capacity to support dry systems up to 1,000 gallons or less, and this single-riser setup was 605 Gallons in size. The goal was to determine if Vapor Pipe Shield could effectively mitigate the corrosion issues that had plagued the recycling center’s sprinkler system.


The installation process was straightforward and efficient. A single sprinkler technician from Capitol Fire Protection retrofitted the Vapor Pipe Shield unit onto the existing system in just one hour. The ease of installation meant minimal disruption to the recycling center’s operations, and the facility could quickly resume its normal activities.

The Results

Since the installation of Vapor Pipe Shield, the recycling center has not had to replace any sections of the sprinkler pipe—a significant improvement from their previous experience. The Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors have effectively protected the metal surfaces within the system, halting the corrosion process and ensuring the long-term reliability of a once problematic (and operationally expensive) sprinkler system to maintain.

Ideal for NFPA 25 Applications

The combination of Vapor Pipe Shield’s ease of retrofitting onto existing sprinkler systems and its proven effectiveness in halting and preventing the worsening of existing corrosion issues makes it an ideal fit for NFPA 25 applications like this recycling center. NFPA 25, the Standard for the ITM of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, places a strong emphasis on maintaining the integrity of sprinkler systems over time.

With many facilities struggling with ongoing corrosion problems in their fire protection systems, particularly in older installations, Vapor Pipe Shield offers a straightforward and highly effective solution. Its installation can be completed quickly and with minimal disruption to operations. This ease of installation means that even systems with significant existing corrosion can be retrofitted with Vapor Pipe Shield without the need for extensive downtime or major overhauls.

Moreover, Vapor Pipe Shield’s ability to prevent further degradation of the pipework aligns perfectly with the preventative maintenance goals of NFPA 25. By integrating Vapor Pipe Shield into their maintenance and inspection protocols, facilities can extend the life of their sprinkler systems and ensure ongoing compliance with NFPA 25 standards. This makes Vapor Pipe Shield not only a cost-effective solution but also a critical tool for maintaining the safety and reliability of fire protection systems over the long term.

Annual Maintenance

One of the standout features of Vapor Pipe Shield is its routine maintenance procedure, making it an excellent choice for facilities looking to efficiently budget their maintenance costs. The annual maintenance process is straightforward and time-efficient, ensuring that the system remains fully operational with minimal disruption.

At the Trenton Recycling Center, Capitol Fire Protection has already completed the first annual maintenance on the Vapor Pipe Shield system, which involved replacing the main canister containing the Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) material and a set of filters. The entire process took a single sprinkler technician just 30 minutes to complete. With the second maintenance cycle coming due soon, the facility is well-prepared to continue this simple and quick routine.

The straightforward maintenance process ensures that the system continues to provide optimal corrosion protection year after year with annual maintenance, without the need for complex procedures or extended downtime. For facilities like the recycling center & Fire Protection Contractors alike, where operational efficiency is key, Vapor Pipe Shield’s efficient & routine maintenance requirements offer a significant advantage.

In August 2022, we installed the Vapor Pipe Shield on this system and since then we have not had one leak. Took about an hour to install it. It’s easily put in. I had another tech do the annual maintenance which took about 1/2 hour to do. It’s easy, it’s simple, it’s not complicated at all.

Charlie Parkerson

President of Capitol Fire Protection


This Trenton Recycling Center is one of over 350 installations currently demonstrating the effectiveness of Vapor Pipe Shield & Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors in combating corrosion in dry pipe sprinkler systems. The system’s ability to provide long-term protection without the need for constant maintenance or pipe replacements offers a cost-effective and reliable solution for facilities facing similar challenges. Capitol Fire Protection Co., Inc. has seen firsthand how Vapor Pipe Shield can extend the life of sprinkler systems and improve overall operational efficiency.

Learn more about the only Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor Deliver System for Dry & Pre-Action Systems on the Market in Vapor Pipe Shield with our latest Webinar or Get a Quote for your next project, click below!